On this page you will find some information about us. Who we are, what we are doing and so on.

 Let us introduce ourselves:

Our Group Logo:

Video Introduction:

I'm the director, scriptwriter and editor from our group. I like to brainstorm about some ideas for the script. That's a reason, because I'm the director and scriptwriter.
I'm from Germany, like everybody in our group. And I like to watch movie in my free time and it's interesting for me to see how they make films. That's the reason why I chose Media Studies. I also play the piano, the guitar and tennis. In my free time I also sing in a choir and dance a lot of different styles.
I love films and I can imagine me working at a film set in the future.

Elisa Lehwess-Litzmann

I'm Elisa, a sixteen-year old girl from Berlin, Germany. I am, together with Manjana, the actress in our group. I am also responsible for our promotion, organising the Youtube channel, our Twitter and Facebook page. 

Manjana Alex

I am one of our two actresses so one can see me most time in front of the camera.
I also made our logo and care about everyone's costumes, make-up and hair so I am kind of the artistic part of the group, so that everyone looks pretty. As the rest of the group I am from Germany.

I am the camera woman and assistant editor in our group and this is my blog. I like to work with cameras and work out different shots, angles and atmospheres. Even in my free time I love to go outside and take photographs of different motives and events.
I am from a little village in the north of Germany. As I mentioned before I like to take photographs in my free time but also to do little home videos and other media related things like computer programming or working on websites. I chose AS Media Studies because of my interest in all kinds of media but also because I was interested in working with media in the school.
I can definitely imagine my future to be related with media and maybe even specifically film production.